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Organization Details And User Registration Settings

Published on
September 13, 2024

Before registration or the live ticket sale starts, there are several crucial details that must be filled out at the organizer's end. This helps participants in comprehending the event's background and policies throughout the ticket and registration processes.

Login to the Eventify Admin Panel at and click on Registration >> Registration Settings to set up the organizational details.

Organizations Details

  • Company Name: Provide your organization's official name or the name under which the event is being organized.
  • Company Address: Fill in the address of the organization.
  • Support email: Include the email address so that attendees may get in touch.

This email address will be displayed in the app as contact support during the login process if the help chat function is off.

  • Tax Name & percentage: If tax is applicable on a ticket, then mention the tax name & tax percentage for each ticket. The tax amount will be added with the ticket price.
  • Company Number: Fill in the company number of the organization.

Privacy Policy

Add your event's custom privacy policy and Eventify will auto generate the Privacy Policy page link. You can change the default privacy policy of an event. You can easily erase and create a new policy or edit the existing sample according to your requirements. Click on "Save & Next" to save the changes.

Terms & Conditions 

Add your event's Terms & Conditions and Eventify will auto generate the Terms & Conditions page link.

In case you don't have a proper privacy policy or Terms & Conditions, you can use our sample templates. Click on "Sample Template" copy it and paste the same. You will only need to change the information inside the brackets.

Refund Policy

You can define your refund policy here. 

Thank You Page

If you wish to display a thank you message upon registration or ticket purchase, enter the appropriate content here.

Alternatively, if you want to redirect to your website or another page, provide the appropriate link.

Ticket Settings

Attendee Assign to Ticket: You can set when the tickets are assigned. You can set to assign the tickets before or after the event purchase.

Event Capacity

You can set an event capacity limit or make it unlimited.