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How to Make Use of Gamification to Boost The Event

Published on
July 4, 2024

Gamification can be a powerful tool to increase attendee engagement and participation at your event. By incorporating game-like elements such as challenges, rewards, and leaderboards, you can create a more interactive and enjoyable experience for your attendees.

Steps to Use the Gamification Feature:

Access the Eventify Admin Panel at and navigate to Gamification>Manage Challenges.

  1. Single Challenge: Single Challenges are actions for which points can be earned only once.
  • You can search and reorder a challenge. 
  • Activate/Deactivate a challenge.
  • Edit the Challenge Name, Description, Reward Type, Points/Template and Show Popup option for any predefined challenge. 
  • New challenges to scan QR can also be added by clicking on "Add Challenge" at the top right corner and setting it up by giving the Challenge Name, Description, Reward Type, Points/Template and Show Popup.

Note: The reward type can be either points or award certificates. You can upload a certificate image or use the predefined template

  1. Recurring Challenges: Recurring Challenges are actions for which points can be earned multiple times.
  • You can search and reorder a challenge.
  • Activate/Deactivate a challenge.
  • Edit the Challenge Name, Description, Points, and Show popup option for any predefined challenge.

Note: The reward type can be only points for recurring challenges.

  1. Leaderboard: The Leaderboard shows each attendee's points, sorted by the top rankers. You can view the profile of the rankers directly from the leaderboard.

On the Leaderboard page, you will find three additional options:

  • Extra Points: Add extra points to any selected attendees (as a group or individual).
  • Export: Export the data.
  • Search: Search for any attendee to view their logs.
  • Reset Points: Clear all the points from the attendee's account.
  1. Rewards Settings: Define your gamification rules and overview from the Overview Text and Rules Notes fields. Attendees will have access to this information.

By following these steps to incorporate challenges, rewards, and leaderboards, you can create a more dynamic and enjoyable experience for your attendees, ultimately boosting the overall success of your event.