
Manage Attendees

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How to Know About The Interested Attendees for My Session

Published on
February 24, 2025

While organizing any event with popular speakers, it is important for you to be aware of the number of interested attendees beforehand, so that you can manage the session accordingly. Eventify offers this RSVP option which shows attendees to express their interest to attend the session. 

Once you have RSVP'd to a session and when attendees will log in to the app and when they open the session you have RSVP'd to, a pop-up message will appear asking them to confirm whether they will be joining the session.

If you mark "Yes," the admin will be able to see the list of all attendees who have marked "Yes" and have expressed their interest in that particular session.

If not, then the session will appear normally.

You can also download and view the RSVPed list from the admin panel under Analytics>Session dashboard. Check the analytics section or you can also manage the list from this section. 

For setting the capacity, just enable the RSVP settings, and the capacity settings come, which can be set to unlimited or you can set a defined seat limit

For the attendees, they need to confirm their availability before accessing the session details. 

🔔 if you set the capacity, and the RSVP count reaches its limit, the attendees attempting to RSVP will get an error message stating that the session slot is full.