Hassle Free Lead Capture and Retrieval App That Drives Results Made Easy!

No more manual work- your sponsors and exhibitors can scan QR codes, attendee badges, qualify, rate, note and sync each lead. Eventify helps them gather leads in-and-post-event using a single app.
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Upto 70%
Increase in event engagement rate
Organic event conversions
Upto 200%
Revenue increase
Eventify onsite badge printing for events allow attendees to use phone scanner to scan secure QR codes to self check-in at Kiosks

Streamlined Lead Capture

Say goodbye to cumbersome manual processes. Eventify app allows you to scan attendee badges or business cards with a simple tap on your smartphone or tablet for instant capture of lead information, absolutely hassle-free.

Customized Lead Forms

Create custom-made lead capture forms tailored to your requirements, that allows you to collect relevant information and qualified leads on the spot. You can prioritize and categorize leads based on interest levels and potential values.
Our event Badge Printing System, once set-up can easily operate even with 0 internet connectivity.

Offline Capabilities

Give your kiosk the power of offline operations and reduce dependency on fluctuating networks that lead to hold-ups. Our Badge Printing System, once set-up can easily operate even with 0 internet connectivity.

Lead Retrieval

Get instant access to lead data that allows your sales team to follow up with the leads to make sure they are still engaged and interested in your products and services. You can add notes and schedule follow-up actions directly within the app, ensuring that your team stays on top of leads and also maximize conversions.

Integrated with CRM

Keep your leads organized and accessible with our intuitive app with seamless sync of captured leads in real time with your CRM system. No manual data entry is required and the leads are ensured to be promptly added to your sales pipeline.

Analytics and Reporting

Unlock valuable insights into lead management, conversion rates and event performance with our comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that enables you to track your success in lead generation. Make data-driven decisions that fuels business growth. 

Attendee Tracking

On-site badge generation allows you to easily track and analyze event attendance.

Offline Mode

Lead capture even in areas of limited or no internet connectivity ensuring uninterrupted lead collection during the event. Enhance your event’s security and protect against duplicate  tickets and fraud with the help of real-time event QR scans. 

Elevate Your Event ROI with Our Advanced Lead Scanning App

Ease of use: Eventify app is designed with the focus of user experience and features an intuitive interface for users that brings effortless lead scanning and retrieval for both attendees and exhibitors. 
Reliable: The app is backed by robust technology and reliable support ensuring smooth and reliable performance.
Time-saving: Our badge scanners for conferences help to lessen your time checking tickets while the event goes on and thus you can save your valuable time.
Customization: Each and every event is unique and that is why our app is customizable to meet the specific needs of branding and lead capture. 
Scalable: Be it a small networking event or a large-scale trade show, Eventify has the scalability to accommodate events of any size thereby ensuring flexibility and adaptability at every stage. 
No manual errors: The lead capture app eliminates the chances of human errors and also lessens human efforts. 
Cutting-Edge Lead Scanning Solution

Enhance Attendee Experience

At Eventify, we specialize in delivering state-of-the-art lead scanning and retrieval solutions that are designed to streamline the process of capture, management and nurturing of leads at events, conferences, trade shows, etc. Eventify’s innovative app, you can eliminate manual lead collection and manage attendees’ attendance on events to embrace a more efficient and effective approach towards lead management.

Easy Attendee Check-in

Quick check-in of attendees on their arrival through scanning event QR codes. Any device connected to the internet can be used for attendee check-in. The device’s integrated camera is used to scan the QR code - no need for fancy scanners or any hardware.

Handy Lead Scanner

Attendees can easily scan QR codes on mobile using the trade show scanner app. Our lead retrieval app for trade shows is a time-saver. No need to select tickets for attendees. Our trade shows and event lead capture app makes it easy for hosts and attendees.

Optimize Lead Qualification

At Eventify, the host can put forward a set of qualifying questions to his attendees to gather important information which can lead to valuable post-event conversions and engagement.

Know Your Leads

Capture valuable leads efficiently and export them for future use. You can get an overview of hot, warm and cold leads enabling you to streamline follow-up efforts and nurture leads for long-term success.
Dashboard mockup

Frequently Asked Questions

How do lead retrieval & scanning work?
Lead scanning involves using Eventify app's QR code lead capture/badge scanner to scan a badge or QR code worn by an event attendee. The scanned information is then added to a database for later follow-up.
Can I use my device to scan leads?
Yes, if your device has Eventify lead scanner app installed and you are logged in as a user in the event. Additionally, attendees can drop a V-card to the exhibitors they want to be added as a lead.
What kind of information can I capture with the lead retrieval & scanning app?
Typically, lead scanning can capture basic attendee information such as name, email, phone number, and company. Additionally, you can add a custom note to the scanned attendee.
Is lead scanning secure?
Eventify's lead scanning & retrieval feature uses secure connections and encryption to protect attendee information.
Can I customize the information I capture with lead scanning?
Yes, the Eventify lead retrieval app allows adding a custom note to the lead captured.
Can lead scanning be used for follow-up marketing campaigns?
The information captured through lead scanning can be used for email marketing and other follow-up campaigns.
Can I export my leads to a CRM or other database?
Yes, Eventify allows for easy export of leads from the app's My Scans feature.
Can lead scanning help me measure ROI for my event?
Yes, by tracking the number of leads captured from Eventify analytics, you can calculate the ROI of your event.
How much does lead scanning cost?
Eventify does not charge anything extra for the lead scanning feature. It comes with the package for the entire event.
Do I need internet access to use lead scanning?
Yes, you require steady internet access to use the lead scanning feature in Eventify.
Can I use lead scanning for virtual events?
Yes, you can also use lead scanning for virtual events in Eventify by capturing information from online attendees.
Can lead scanning help me measure attendee engagement?
Yes, Eventify leads scanning & retrieval app tracks which attendees visit which booths or sessions so that you can get a sense of attendee engagement and interests.
Can I use lead scanning to track sponsor or exhibitor ROI?
You can measure the ROI for those companies by tracking which attendees visit sponsor or exhibitor booths.
Can lead scanning help me improve future events?
Yes, by analyzing lead data and follow-up actions, you can identify areas for improvement in future events.
What types of events or situations can benefit from lead retrieval?
Lead retrieval systems can be beneficial in various events and situations, such as trade shows, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, job fairs, networking events, and sales meetings. Event platforms like Eventify, where lead generation and capturing important attendee information is available, can benefit lead retrieval.
How can lead retrieval help to improve lead follow-up and conversion rates?
The lead retrieval app provides exhibitors with accurate and timely lead information, enabling them to follow up with potential customers promptly. By capturing lead data at the point of contact, exhibitors can personalize their communication, demonstrate interest, and nurture leads more effectively, ultimately increasing conversion rates.
Can lead retrieval systems to be used in virtual or online events?
A lead retrieval system can be adapted for virtual or online events. Instead of scanning physical badges or cards, virtual lead retrieval systems may utilize unique identification codes, virtual business cards, or integration with virtual event platforms like Eventify to capture attendee information. These systems allow exhibitors to gather leads and engage with attendees during virtual events.
How does a Lead Scanning feature help an exhibitor?
For in-person events, an exhibitor can add leads through a QR scan. Conference lead capture helps an exhibitor to record the queries generated at the venue.
Is there an option for 3rd party CRM integration with Eventify's lead scanning system?
Eventify helps exhibitors at every stage of lead nurturing, right up to conversions. Third-party CRM solutions can be integrated with our lead scanning system, on request.
Can the scanning be done through staff's own mobile device on Android or iOS?
Our event badge scanner app is easy to use because of its cross-platform functionality and can be used with a booth staff's mobile device on Android or iOS. Eventify lead retrieval app performs better than cvent universal lead capture.
Is there an option for an exhibitor to scan their leads from their app?
An exhibitor can capture leads through a QR code scan for in-person events. It helps an exhibitor to record the queries generated at the venue.
What are the key features to look for in a lead retrieval app or system?
Key features to consider when choosing a lead retrieval app include:Ease of use and setup.Compatibility with event formats and badge types.Integration options with CRM or other software.Customizable lead capture forms or questionnaires.Real-time data syncing and accessibility.Robust analytics and reporting capabilities.Secure data handling and privacy compliance.

Explore Our Most
Popular Features

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Registration & Ticketing

Sell tickets online & manage user registration
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Chat & Meetings

1-1 messagings and meeting to increase attendee engagement
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Event tracks & sessions as per date and time in one place
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All-in-one B2B matchmaking for your attendees
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Social Feed

Private social network feed for your event
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Community Forum

Forum or group messaging on predefined topics
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Poll & Live Q&A

Create interactive polls and QnA on live sessions
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Speaker Profile

Speaker’s detailed information for sessions
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Event News

A news section for event related news & announcements
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Event Guide

Create your own event help and support guidebook
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Event photos gallery by host or attendees
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Product Showcase

Comprehensive exhibitor and sponsor page
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Sponsored Ads

Built in ads to promote sponsors & exhibitors
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Lead Scanning

All in one scan and export leads/contacts
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Interactive Maps

Tappable interactive booth and floor maps
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Push Notification

Send instant push notifications to attendee app
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Custom Branding

Customize & design your very own branded event app within minutes
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Session Rating

Get session rating and feedback from attendees
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Build your own surveys to get feedback about the event
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Email Notifications

Send instant email notifications to your attendees
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Dynamic Form Builder

Drag & drop from builder for checkout form, survey & profile
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Event tracks & sessions as per date and time in one place
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Event Guide

Create your own event help and support guidebook
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Email Designer

Drag and Drop custom email template designer
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Analytics Dashboard

Get real-time insights on your event on multiple fronts
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Community Forum

Forum or group messaging on predefined topics
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Chat & Meetings

1-1 messagings and meeting to increase attendee engagement
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Registration & Ticketing

Sell tickets online & manage user registration

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