All Eyes On Your Event with Eventify Live Display

Capture your attendee’s attention with dynamic live displays. Display key information such as the event agenda, announcements, news, upcoming sessions, and more directly on the screen.

Custom Branding
Use your event branding
Custom Widgets
Display anything anywhere
Screen Size
Works on any screen size

Trust The Word Of Those Who Trust Us

Display to Engage

The Many Benefits of Live Display

Event Agenda

Keep attendee’s posted with real-time updates about sessions, meetups and meetings.

Showcase Sponsors

Maximise sponsor visibility with large displays of products and services.

Track Leaderboard

Track who’s on top of gamification challenges with live leaderboard display.

Promote Event App

Encourage event app adoption with QR scans for instant downloads.

Social Wall

Spread the social media buzz by showcasing shoutouts, mentions and more.

Display Gallery

Share event highlights, attendee experiences and memorable moments.

Share Agenda & Updates

Keep attendee’s posted with real-time updates about sessions, meetups and meetings.

Promote Sponsors

Maximise sponsor visibility with large displays of products and services.

Track Leaderboard

Track who’s on top of gamification challenges with live leaderboard display.

Event App Downloads

Encourage event app adoption with QR scans for instant downloads.

Showcase Social Activity

Spread the social media buzz by showcasing shoutouts, mentions and more.

Display Your Gallery

Share event highlights, attendee experiences and memorable moments.

How It Works

Show What You Want & How You Want.
Generate A Preview

Check what you liked and see what needs to change before you press ‘publish’.

Choose Sequence

Use quick toggle to show or hide features and a quick drag and drop to finalise display sequence.

Select Theme

Liven up the screen with dark or light mode.

Get Public URL

Verify changes with live preview and then hit publish to instantly generate a secure and live URL.

How Live Displays Work

Quick Toggle

Choose what you want to show with quick toggle to enable/disable features.


Verify details before publishing your live display.

Theme Select

Choose between light or dark themes for better visibility.

Public URL

Single, secure URL to display on infinite screens.


Auto-switch between updates every 5 seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Screen Type Does Live Display Support?
Live display supports all leading screen types. Generate the secure public URL and display your content across the event venue.
Do I Need To Install Additional Hardware or Software To Use This Feature?
No additional software or hardware installations are required. Your screens might require tech support for configuration. You can reach out to vendors for support.
Can Look and Feel Be Customized?
Yes. You can choose from light or dark mode to enhance visibility.
Can I Choose Which Features Will Be Displayed?
Yes you can use a simple toggle to hide or show features like Social Wall, Agenda, Gallery, and more.

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