
Manage Attendees

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Attendee Lost The Welcome Email

Published on
July 22, 2024

The welcome email contains important information related to the user's access to the event. In case a user loses it, you can resend the welcome email to the user. Here is how you can do it:

  • Go to and click on People >> Manage Attendees. You can search or filter out the user who requires the welcome email and simply click on the 'Send Welcome Email' option.
  • In case you require to update the attendee details, and then send the welcome email, you can do so from the edit attendee option. There you will find a direct button to Send Welcome Email.
  • You can also send the welcome emails in bulk by simply selecting the attendees and choosing Send welcome email to selected confirmed users option. All the users will get the email at once.
  • Apart from the admin panel, you can also send the welcome email from the app. Login with the admin account in the app and go to the Side menu >> Manage >> Manage Attendees >> Search user name or Scan user badge >> Visit attendee details. Then click Send Welcome Email.