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Creating and Managing Meetings on Eventify: A Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
September 9, 2024

Eventify offers a user-friendly platform for creating and managing meetings. The meeting creation interface on Eventify provides you with a comprehensive set of options to customize your meeting settings. 

Go to and click on Networking> Meetings. 

Meeting Dates: 

Click on the calendar icon, here you can set the range of the meeting dates. To manage your meetings according to the dates, enable or disable the dates based on your event schedule. Click to save the changes. 

How to Add Room : 

Click on “Add Room” and a window will appear. 

  • Room Name: Enter a descriptive name for your meeting room.
  • Room Capacity: Specify the maximum number of attendees allowed in the room.
  • Allow users to schedule meetings in this room (limited to room preferences): If enabled, users can schedule their own meetings within this room, subject to the room's availability settings.
  • Room availability settings: Configure the start and end times for when the room is available for booking.
  • Max booking duration (in minutes): Set the maximum duration for a single meeting booking.
  • Break between meetings (in minutes): Specify the minimum break time required between consecutive meetings.
  • Users/Groups: Decide the users or groups who should have access to this meeting room and manage their permissions accordingly.

Once you've entered all the necessary information, click the "Save" button to create the meeting room.

How to add New Meeting: 

To add any meeting, click on “New Meeting” and a window will pop up. 

  • Meeting Date: Select the desired date for your meeting.
  • Choose Room: Select the meeting room where the meeting will take place.
  • Meeting Title: Enter a descriptive title for your meeting.
  • Meeting Venue: State the meeting location. 
  • Start Time: Set the start time for the meeting.
  • End Time: Set the end time for the meeting.
  • Description: Add a brief description of the meeting.
  • Select users for meeting: Choose the attendees for the meeting by clicking on “Add/Manage User

Click on “Save Changes”. 

You can view added meetings in the Meetings section. Once added, you can edit the meeting. 

Configuring Meeting Settings on Eventify: 

You can also control the Meeting Settings. The Meeting Settings panel on Eventify provides you with options to customize various aspects of your meetings.

1. Maximum Meeting Duration: Set the maximum duration allowed for meetings created by your attendees. The minimum duration is set to 10 minutes.

2. Meeting Location Preference:

  • Restrict to rooms added: If enabled, attendees can only schedule meetings in rooms that you've created.
  • Allow attendees to type in their own location: If enabled, attendees can choose their preferred meeting location.
  • Both Options: the user can choose both at the same time. 

3. Meeting Request Auto-Confirmation by Receiver:

  • Enable or disable: Decide whether attendees should automatically confirm or decline meeting requests.
  • Manual confirmation: If enabled, attendees can manually confirm or decline requests.

Note: Users can override this setting individually with their own meeting settings in apps.

4. Show meeting slots based on meeting initiator allocations:

  • Adjust Slot Visibility: Determine whether attendees can view meeting slots based on the meeting initiator's allocations.

When all these settings are done, the attendee can view The Meeting Details page on Eventify provides you with a comprehensive overview of your meeting information.

Meetings on Eventify App:

  1. Meeting Status: Indicates whether the meeting is scheduled, confirmed, canceled, or rescheduled.
  2. Meeting Date and Time: Displays the date, start time, and end time of the meeting, along with the selected time zone.
  3. Attendees: Lists all attendees who have been invited to the meeting, including their names, titles, and company affiliations.
  4. Chat: Allows you to communicate with attendees in real time during the meeting.

Meeting settings on App: 

The attendee can customize various aspects of meeting availability and scheduling.

1. Meeting Availability: Toggle the switch to allow or restrict others from scheduling meetings with you.

2. Meeting Confirmation: Choose whether meetings should be confirmed automatically or require manual acceptance.

3. Meeting Duration: Adjust the default duration for your meetings.

4. Meeting Break time: Specify the desired break time between meetings.

5. Schedule Time:

  • Set availability window: Choose the days and times when you are available for meetings.
  • Add more days: Click the "+ Add More" button to set your availability for additional days.

How to import and export meetings : 

  • Bulk upload meetings: Easily import multiple meetings from an Excel file and upload it and it will automatically be visible on the meetings section. 
  • meetings Bulk Edit: Make changes to multiple meetings simultaneously, such as updating dates, times, or locations.
  • Download meeting information: Export meeting data to Excel or another format for analysis, reporting, or archival purposes.

Adding Breaks to Meetings

To add a break to your meeting, Click on "Add Break": This will open the "Add Break" window. Select a room for the break, fill in the break title, start time, end time, and any additional description. Click "Save Changes" to add the break to the meeting schedule.