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How to Manage Registration Settings for An User

Published on
October 4, 2024

Eventify provides a unique feature that allows organizations to define their own rules and regulations in addition to the standard Eventify guidelines. With the Registration Settings, you have the flexibility to create a customized registration process that aligns with your specific requirements and policies.

Registration Type consists of all the information about you organizing the event.

Click on Registration> Registration Settings> External Registration> Link Settings

External registration link

Eventify offers five types of user registrations, allowing you to set the desired policy for each registration type. This enables you to customize the registration process according to your specific requirements and preferences.

Based on your selection, Eventify automatically generates either the user registration page or the event ticket page for your event. If you choose the External registration link option, the registration page will be customized based on the URL you provide.

Organization Details

It consists of the following fields to collect information regarding the organization:

  • Company Name,
  • Company Address,
  • Support Email,
  • Tax Name,
  • Tax Percentage and
  • Company Number (i.e. VAT/GST/CIN)

Terms & Conditions of the Event

Provide all the information regarding the Terms & Conditions of the Event.

Privacy Policy: Enter the Privacy Policy text which will be available for the users. You can download the policy template if required.

Terms & Conditions : Enter the Terms & Conditions text which will be available for the users. You can download the terms template if required.

Thank You Page :

You can either enter a custom Thank you message or add an external Thank you page link for the users after they purchase a ticket.

Check Eventify's Ticket Settings for refund policy and Event Capacity which can be set “unlimited” or you can enter your capacity. 

Click on "Save" to save the settings.