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Can I Have Custom Branding On Eventify?

Published on
May 1, 2024

Eventify offers extensive customization options to help you create a cohesive brand image for your event. 

Here are the ways you can personalize the appearance and experience of your event:

Access the Eventify Admin Panel at and navigate to Branding>App Branding to customize your event's branding on Eventify.

App Branding

  1. Event Logo: Upload your event's logo, which can also serve as the app icon if desired. The logo should be in PNG format with a minimum size of 256px wide by 256px tall.
  2. Brand Cover: Upload a cover image that highlights your brand, which will be prominently displayed on the app's home screen. The cover image should be in PNG format with a minimum size of 1920px wide by 1080px tall.
  3. Color Theme: Choose the event's theme color from the Color Theme option. Eventify's intelligent color algorithm can extract prominent color palettes based on your logo's primary colors. You can select a color from the palette or input your own.

By customizing these elements, you can ensure that your event app and experience reflect your brand's unique look and feel, enhancing brand consistency and recognition among attendees.

App Menu

Eventify provides two types of menus for your event:

  • Side Menu: The side menu displays various features that you select for your event. You have the flexibility to rearrange these features by dragging them, prioritizing them based on their importance. The order you set will be reflected in both the apps and the web interface, ensuring easy navigation for attendees.
  • Bottom Menu (optional): In addition to the side menu, Eventify also offers the option for a bottom menu. This menu can provide quick access to key features or sections of your event. While the side menu offers comprehensive navigation, the bottom menu serves as an additional navigational aid, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

When setting up the bottom menu for your event on Eventify, keep in mind the minimum and maximum Options: You can include a minimum of two and a maximum of five menu options from the list of selected features. This range ensures that the navigation remains concise and intuitive for attendees, facilitating ease of use.

Menu Customization: You have the freedom to rename the menu options to better align with your event's branding and objectives. This allows you to tailor the menu names to reflect the specific features, activities, or sections of your event, enhancing clarity and relevance for attendees.

Quick Links

Quick Links are shortcuts that users can utilize to swiftly access various features of the event directly from the App or Web overview screens. You have the flexibility to rearrange these features according to your preferences and the importance of each feature. This allows you to prioritize and highlight key functionalities, ensuring convenient and efficient navigation for attendees.

Splash Screen

You have the option to enhance your branding by adding a custom splash screen image or video for iOS and Android. This feature allows you to showcase your brand identity prominently while users wait for the app to load. 

However, if you prefer to skip this step, the brand logo will be automatically used as the splash image. This flexibility ensures that you can tailor the app's appearance to best represent your brand and provide a polished user experience from the moment users open the app.

Developing a customized event theme boosts attendee engagement and enjoyment by providing a unique and visually attractive experience, encouraging continued interest and active participation throughout the event.