Event Guide

How to Create An Ideal Marketing Plan For An Event In 2024?

June 5, 2024
10 Mins
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Think about the last event you hopped on! A conference, expo or a trade show? Every event is different from the other, but the host always has a common purpose - to engage and entertain their attendees. Regardless of the format, events provide a valuable space for brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level. 

Event marketing is a powerful tool that can be leveraged by businesses across all industries. It offers a multifaceted approach to connect with your attendees (audience), generate leads, and achieve your business goals.

39% of marketers found out that email marketing tools are the greatest contributor to any event success.

In this blog I will explain and guide you through everything - From tips, tricks, strategies and more which can change your event into an unforgettable one, and not just a mere date on the calendar.

First and foremost, we need to know what is a marketing plan for an event. 

"An event marketing plan bridges the gap between your brilliant event ideas and successful execution. It translates ideas into actionable steps for all marketing channels."

Need help in crafting an effective event marketing strategy? Unlock the power of event planning

But before that, you should know the 9 snackable strategies for a robust event marketing plan.

What should be included in an event marketing plan?

Event marketing plan

1. Set the stage

Defining your goals and objectives

Have you ever wondered what makes an event truly successful? It all starts with a clear vision!  Defining your event goal is like setting the North Star for your planning process. It guides every decision you make and ensures your event shines brightly in the memories of your attendees.

Be it boosting the brand awareness or selling out tickets, a well-defined goal becomes the compass that steers your entire marketing and planning process.

Set goals that are S.M.A.R.T which is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.

Note: Don’t be limited to a single goal. Consider both tangible goals (e.g., number of attendees, ticket sales) and intangible goals (e.g., brand perception, audience engagement).


2. Identify Your Target Audience

Who are you trying to reach with your event? Understanding their demographics, interests, and online behavior is crucial for targeted marketing. Once you get to know your audience, you can accordingly customize your channels and marketing tactics to reach out to them.

Create a buyer persona to define your ideal attendee, including their age, profession, interests, and pain points.

3. Craft Your Event Strategy

Choose the Event Format

Consider virtual, in-person, or hybrid events, depending on your audience reach, budget, and goals.

Develop a Compelling Event Theme & Message

Create a unique selling proposition (USP) that resonates with your target audience and sets your event apart.

4. Build Your Marketing Arsenal

Develop a Promotional Timeline

Plan your marketing activities well in advance, considering pre-event, during-event, and post-event phases

Content Marketing

Create engaging content (blog posts, infographics, videos, social media posts) to build excitement and educate your audience about the event.

Social Media Marketing

Utilize relevant social platforms to promote your event, share updates, and encourage audience interaction. Run targeted social media ads to reach a wider audience.

"Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your event. Use a variety of platforms to reach your target audience and create a buzz around your event." - Amy Porterfield, Social Media Marketing Strategist

Email Marketing

Segment your email list and send targeted email campaigns with event details, registration links, and reminders.

5. Leverage Additional Channels:

Public Relations & Influencer Marketing

Partner with relevant media outlets and industry influencers to spread the word about your event.

Paid Advertising

Consider paid advertising options like search engine marketing (SEM) or display advertising to reach a highly targeted audience.

6. Optimize for Success:

Create a Dedicated Event Website

Create a dedicated event website to provide a clear and informative landing page with all event details, registration options, and speaker information.

Integrate Analytics Tools

Track key metrics across all marketing channels to measure campaign effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.

Promote Networking Opportunities

Highlight networking aspects of the event to attract attendees seeking valuable connections.


7. Plan for the Event

Develop a Detailed Event Schedule

Outline the agenda, including speaker profile and presentations, networking opportunities, and breaks.

Logistics & Resources

Secure the venue, catering, audio/visual equipment, and any necessary permits.

Speaker Coordination

Confirm speaker participation, finalize presentation topics, and arrange their travel and accommodation (if applicable).

8. Execute and Engage

Pre-Event Communication

Send reminder emails and share updates with registered attendees.

On-Site Management

Oversee event logistics, manage speaker introductions, and ensure a smooth attendee experience.

Social Media Engagement

Encourage attendees to share their experiences using a dedicated event hashtag.

9. Post-Event Follow-Up

Send Thank You Emails

Express gratitude to attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

Gather Feedback

Conduct surveys to understand attendee experience and improve future events.

Share Event Highlights

Publish blog posts or videos summarizing key takeaways and exciting moments from the event.

Data Analysis

Evaluate campaign effectiveness based on your event goals and marketing metrics.

"Your event marketing message needs to be clear, concise, and benefit-driven. Tell people why they should care about your event and what they'll get out of attending." - Liz Strauss, Marketing Consultant and Founder of SOB Con

Additional Tips:

Budgeting for Event Marketing

Allocate a realistic budget for different marketing activities based on your overall event goals.

Event Technology

Consider using event management platforms to streamline event ticketing and registration, attendee engagement, and data collection.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Develop attractive sponsorship packages to attract relevant brands and generate additional revenue.


The 5 P’s of Event Marketing Business Plan

Another crucial thing is that we must consider the 5 P’s of event marketing. The 5 P's of event marketing provide a framework for planning and executing successful events. These P's represent key elements you need to consider to create a well-rounded marketing strategy:

1. Product

This refers to the event itself. What kind of event are you hosting? (Conference, workshop, product launch, networking event, etc.) 

  • Clearly define the value proposition and the benefits attendees will gain from participating.
  • Consider the format (virtual, in-person, hybrid), theme, target audience, and desired outcomes.
  • Ensure a high-quality experience that delivers on its promises.

2. Price

This encompasses the cost of attending your event.

  • Develop a pricing strategy that balances value for attendees and profitability for your organization.
  • Consider offering tiered ticket options with varying levels of access or benefits.
  • Explore free or low-cost options (e.g., webinars) to expand reach and generate interest.

3. Place

This refers to the location of your event, both physical and digital.

  • For in-person events, choose a venue that's easily accessible, has the necessary amenities, and aligns with the event's theme and brand image.
  • For virtual events, select a reliable platform that offers features like live streaming, chat functionalities, and breakout rooms.
  • Consider the overall atmosphere and experience you want to create when choosing the event location.

4. People

This refers to all the individuals involved in your event, from attendees and speakers to organizers and sponsors.

  • Identify your target audience and understand their needs and interests.
  • Build relationships with speakers and influencers who resonate with your audience.
  • Provide excellent customer service to attendees before, during, and after the event.
  • Network with other event professionals and potential sponsors to broaden your reach and resources.

5. Promotion

Promotion. Promotion. Promotion. Promotion is the key for any event marketing plan. This encompasses all activities you do to generate awareness and excitement about your event. While a strong event concept is crucial, promotion is the lifeblood that brings it to the forefront.

  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that utilizes various channels (social media, email marketing, content marketing, paid advertising, PR outreach) to reach your target audience.
  • Create captivating content that highlights the event's benefits and value proposition.
  • Utilize influencer marketing and media partnerships to expand your reach and build credibility.

Here’s a great list of methods to promote your event!

  1. Get coverage for your event: Craft a newsworthy press release and target relevant journalists, bloggers, and media outlets. Build relationships with media contacts over time for better coverage via press releases & media outreach. 
  2. Social Blitz: Recently I came across some stats that 
74% of the businesses utilize social media for the promotion of specific events or features during, before and after the event.

Utilize all relevant platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share updates, teasers, host Q&A sessions, and run targeted ads to reach your ideal audience. Encourage social sharing with a dedicated event hashtag.

  • Collaborations & Influencer Marketing: Partner with complementary businesses or influencers to cross-promote your event and leverage their audience reach.
  1. The Power of Landing Pages & Pop-Ups: Create a dedicated website or landing page with clear information like registration options, speaker bios, schedule, and FAQs. Utilize website pop-ups strategically (not excessively) to capture leads and promote event registration.
  1.  Email: The Secret Weapon for Event Promotion
  • Targeted Email Campaigns: Segment your email list for targeted campaigns. Send engaging emails with event details, registration links, early-bird discounts, and exclusive content to incentivize sign-ups.
  • Post-Event Follow-Up: Send post-event emails thanking attendees, gathering feedback, and sharing event highlights.
  1. #FOMO Alert (Fear Of Missing Out)
  • Highlight Exclusive Content & Experiences: Emphasize unique aspects of your event, like limited-edition merchandise, exclusive speaker Q&A sessions, or networking opportunities, to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
  • Showcase Event Excitement: Share snippets of past events, testimonials from attendees, or behind-the-scenes glimpses to create a buzz and make people feel like they might miss out on something special.
  1. Complete Event Experience
  • Focus on Benefits: Clearly communicate the value proposition of your event. Highlight what attendees will gain, like learning new skills, connecting with industry professionals, or having a fun and engaging experience.
  • Deliver on Your Promises: Ensure a high-quality event experience that fulfills the expectations you set during promotion.Effective promotion of your event goes beyond simply stating it will be fun. To truly capture attendee interest, consider a multi-channel content strategy. Utilize a variety of media formats, such as engaging videos, high-quality photographs, and even user-generated content, to showcase the event's value proposition.

By focusing on each of these P's, you can create a comprehensive event marketing strategy that attracts the right audience, generates excitement, and ultimately leads to a successful and impactful event.

Now you can get a FREE Event Marketing Plan Template that will help to keep your event marketing plan easy to access, organized and hassle-free. 


Measure Event Marketing Success

You can gain valuable insights into your event's effectiveness and make informed decisions for future events through metrics tracking and data analysis. Let’s take a dive into how you can measure the success of your event marketing.

  • Total Registrations: This is a baseline metric to understand overall interest.
  • Registration Source: Use event registration software to track where registrations come from (e.g., email marketing, social media) to gauge the effectiveness of different channels.
  • Registration Rate: Divide registrations by the number of invitations sent to measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Ticket Sales (if applicable): Track revenue generated from ticket sales.
  • App Downloads and Usage: If you have an event app, track downloads and user activity to see how attendees are interacting with the platform.
  • Social Media Mentions: Monitor mentions of your event hashtag and brand to gauge online buzz.
  • Live Polling and Q&A: Measure audience participation in polls and Q&A sessions to assess their level of engagement.
  • Networking Activity (if applicable): Track the number of connections made through your event platform or designated networking areas.
  • Post-Event Surveys: Send surveys to attendees to gather feedback on their experience, including what they liked, disliked, and found most valuable. This acts as a goldmine for attendee feedback. 
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): This metric measures customer loyalty and can be used to gauge attendee satisfaction.
  • Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated at the event through sign-ups, business card collection, or other methods.
  • Website Traffic: Monitor website traffic after the event to see if there's a surge in interest from event attendees.
  • ROI (Return on Investment): Compare your event costs (marketing, venue, etc.) with the revenue generated (ticket sales, sponsorships) to determine overall financial success.

Virtual Event Marketing

Expand your reach beyond physical limits. Virtual events offer a powerful alternative to traditional gatherings. Imagine eliminating travel restrictions and opening your event to a global audience – that's the magic of virtual! Unlike in-person events, virtual events can attract a much larger pool of attendees thanks to their accessibility and potentially lower costs.

However, maximizing the potential of a virtual audience requires a shift in marketing strategy.  While traditional event promotion plays a role,  we need to focus on building excitement and accessibility in the digital space.

Choosing the right platform for your events

But the power of the right platform helps to craft a seamless virtual experience. Your virtual event website is the digital face of your event – it should be informative, visually appealing, and showcase your brand effectively. But the real magic happens behind the scenes on the virtual event platform.

Say goodbye to scattered data and hello to actionable insights! A comprehensive event management platform like Eventify centralizes attendee data across all formats (in-person, virtual, hybrid) within a user-friendly dashboard. Track goals, get the proof of ROI with ease, and confidently demonstrate the value of your event to sponsors and stakeholders.

Ready to see Eventify in action? Request a personalized demo today.

About the Author
Hussain Fakhruddin, tech visionary and founder of an award-winning multinational firm. With 15+ years' experience, Hussain leads a team that's crafted 1500+ top-ranking web, API, and mobile apps, earning acclaim from Adobe and GMASA. Specializing in scalable backends, ensures client apps stand out with an 80% top-ranking success rate.

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