Event Guide

25 Event Management Software For Nonprofits

June 5, 2024
10 Mins
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Hosting successful events is not just about raising funds but creating meaningful connections and driving impactful change. For the non-profit organizations it's crucial to work on the fund-raising events as they are integral to meet the targets and get more sponsors. However, managing these events seamlessly is a big question. For the event organizers managing everything from the sponsors to partners, contributions, donations and listing is a big thing.

Imagine a tool that streamlines every aspect of event planning, from organizing logistics to engaging with participants and donors. The introduction of event management software has ushered in a new era for non-profits, offering a digital ecosystem designed to simplify complexities and enhance efficiency.

Let’s dive deep into the transformative potential of event management software for non-profits, exploring how these technological solutions have become indispensable in today's landscape. We'll uncover the features that make these event softwares uniquely suited for the non-profit sector, addressing challenges such as donor engagement, volunteer coordination, and seamless fundraising integration.

Statistics of non-profit events

Delving into the statistics surrounding non-profit events provides us with a comprehensive overview of the charitable landscape. To meet the challenges of the digital world, it's essential to work around the charities and collect funds. According to the CAF’s ‘U.K. Giving Report,’ there has been a noticeable shift, with 15% of donors engaging in fundraising events, compared to 23% in a pre-pandemic 2019.

Encouragingly, Enthuse reports a positive trend, indicating that 44% of the U.K. public is inclined to participate in fundraising events. An additional 12% are undecided, presenting an opportunity for charities to amplify their causes.

Breaking down the numbers by age, there is a universal eagerness to contribute, with Gen Z leading at 61%, followed closely by Millennials at 60%. Notably, 61% of individuals under 40 anticipate attending a charity event, while 31% of those over 40 share the same expectation.

Preferences in event types reveal intriguing insights. Events promoting personal well-being and social connections are favored by 47% of participants. Health-centric activities follow closely at 45%, with large group events (30%) and challenging distance races (16%) also finding their place in the spotlight.

Gender differences in preferences emerge, with women favoring smaller events centered around personal well-being, while men express a preference for exercise challenges, larger-scale events, and distance races.

Past successes in the fundraising arena include Cancer Research U.K.’s Race for Life, raising an impressive £22.4 million, Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning at £15.6 million, and Movember at £12.5 million.

Looking forward, high-profile events in 2024, such as Comic Relief's Red Nose Day, The London Marathon, and NSPCC’s Number Day, promise to continue the spirit of giving. The journey unfolds, marked by challenges and triumphs, in the dynamic statistics of non-profit events.

Since the data came from the UK non-profit activities, we can vouch for a similar situation for the fundraising and non-profit organization from around the globe. The intensity of these events and practices make us feel the need for event software for non-profits.

What Is Non-profit Event Management Software?

Imagine a digital wizard that helps non-profits plan, organize, and execute events effortlessly. That's what this software is – a virtual helper that takes the stress out of event planning. From setting up event registrations to thanking donors, it's like having a trusty sidekick for every step.

Now, let's talk about why non-profits are head over heels for this software. First things first, efficiency. Non-profit Event Management Software is like a superhero cape for organizers, making their tasks quicker and smoother. Think about it – no more drowning in paperwork or getting lost in spreadsheets.

But that's not all. It's also a magician when it comes to engaging with donors and participants. With just a few clicks, non-profits can send out invites, update supporters, and even collect donations seamlessly. It's like having a magic wand for communication!

Now, why is it crucial? Well, in the world of non-profits, every penny and every minute count. This software ensures that resources are used wisely, leaving more room for making a real impact on the cause. It's not just about organizing events; it's about making a difference.

So, there you have it – Non-profit Event Management Software, the behind-the-scenes hero making sure every event is a success. Stay tuned as we unravel more about this digital marvel and how it's changing the game for non-profits everywhere.


Things to consider when buying event management software for non-profits

When it comes to picking the right event management software for non-profits, it's like finding the perfect superhero for your team. Let's break down the essential things to consider, so you can decide what truly suits your non-profit's needs.


Look for software that wears many hats. It should handle registrations, manage volunteers, and smoothly handle donations. Imagine it as your event planner, RSVP manager, and donation tracker all in one. The more features, the merrier!


Every penny counts in the non-profit world. Make sure the pricing fits your budget. Some software offers different plans, so you can choose the one that suits your organization's size and needs. Keep an eye out for any hidden fees that might sneak up later!

On-boarding Experience

You want software that's a friend, not a puzzle. The on-boarding experience should be smooth, like a well-paved road. A good software provider will guide you through the setup, making it easy for you to get started without feeling lost.


What do others say about the software? Reviews are like talking to friends who've been there. Check out what people are saying. Are they happy with the features? Is the customer support top-notch? Reviews are your backstage pass to the software world.

Customer Support

Picture it when you're in the middle of planning a big event, and suddenly, you hit a roadblock. That's where customer support swoops in. Look for software that offers reliable, friendly support. It's like having a superhero hotline for when you need help.

Integrated Solutions

Think of your software as a team player. It should easily blend in with other tools you use. Look for software that integrates well with your existing systems. Smooth teamwork means less hassle for you.



Your software should be like a superhero cape – accessible and flexible. Can you use it on different devices? Is it user-friendly for everyone, including volunteers and donors? Accessibility ensures everyone can join the superhero squad.


Consider the tasks you need your software to handle. Whether it's managing a guest list, sending out invites, or tracking donations, your software should be up to the challenge. The more functionalities it offers, the more versatile your superhero becomes.

Ease of Use

Nobody wants to be stuck in a software maze. Your chosen software should be user-friendly, like a trusty sidekick guiding you through without any confusion. Easy navigation means less stress and more time for the real superhero work.

Compatibility to Other Software or Systems

Your software should be a good team player. Check if it plays well with other software or systems you use. A seamless integration ensures that your data flows smoothly, making your tasks more efficient.


Precision is key. Your software should be like a superhero with a laser focus – accurate and reliable. From attendee lists to financial records, the accuracy of your software is crucial for a successful event.

Updates & Troubleshooting

Superheroes evolve, and so should your software. Look for software that gets regular updates, keeping it fresh and equipped with the latest features. And, just like a superhero can face challenges, your software should have reliable troubleshooting support for when things get tricky.

In the end, finding the right event management software for your non-profit event is like assembling a superhero dream team. Consider these factors, and soon, you'll have a software superhero that helps your non-profit events soar to new heights.


Advantages of using Non-profit Event Management Software

Fundraising Event Software can do the wonders for you when managing an event. There are limitless possibilities and swift management comes on board when it comes to using software. Here are some advantages you can enjoy with event software for non-profits.

Organization Mastery

Imagine having a personal assistant that tidies up your event plans. Non-profit Event Management Software is just that – a tidy helper! It keeps your guest lists, schedules, and tasks in perfect order, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Smooth Registrations

Gone are the days of paper forms and manual entries. With the right software, registrations become a breeze. Attendees can sign up with just a few clicks, saving time and reducing the chance of errors. It's like having a speedy registration superhero on your side.

Effortless Communication

Sending invites, updates, and thank-you messages becomes as easy as sending a text. The software acts as your messenger, keeping everyone in the loop and ensuring that communication flows seamlessly.

Boosted Donor Engagement

Engaging donors is like building a lasting friendship. Non-profit Event Management Software enhances donor connections by offering easy ways to donate, updating them on your cause, and expressing gratitude. It's like a donor engagement wizard!

Volunteer Coordination Made Simple

Coordinating volunteers can be a puzzle, but not with this software. It helps you match volunteers to tasks, send out schedules, and keep everyone on the same page. Managing volunteers becomes as easy as pie.

Fundraising Finesse

Say goodbye to the hassle of tracking donations manually. Non-profit Event Management Software turns fundraising into a smooth ride. It keeps a precise record of donations, making financial management stress-free and accurate.

Real-time Insights

Imagine having a crystal ball that shows you how your event is doing. The software provides real-time insights, helping you track attendance, monitor donations, and analyze the success of your event. It's like having a data superhero guiding your decisions.

Time-Saving Superpower

Time is precious, especially in the non-profit world. This software acts as a time-saving superhero, automating tasks that used to eat up hours. From sending out emails to managing registrations, it frees up your time for what truly matters.

Accessibility for All

Non-profit Event Management Software believes in inclusion. It's designed to be user-friendly for everyone, from tech wizards to those less familiar with digital tools. Accessibility ensures that everyone can be part of the superhero team.

Budget-Friendly Options

Being a superhero doesn't mean breaking the bank. Many software options offer different plans to suit your organization's budget. It's like having a superhero tailor, customizing the software to fit your needs without burning a hole in your wallet.

Stress Reduction Magic

Planning events can be stressful, but with this software, stress takes a backseat. It handles the nitty-gritty details, leaving you with a clearer mind and more energy to focus on the bigger picture – making a difference.

In the grand tale of non-profit events, Non-profit Event Management Software emerges as the unsung hero, turning challenges into opportunities and making every event a triumph. So, gear up, get the best fundraising event software, and watch your non-profit events soar to new heights.


25 Non-profit Event Management Software

Once you know the importance and functionality of non-profit event management software, it's time to explore a few software options, too. Knowing that a product exists and gives you good support for swift management should make a difference in your practical approach, too. So, here are a few options that you should check out when searching for the appropriate event software for non-profits. This software offers you the best accessibility options, support, and features that help you stand out with event management.


When listing the best and most promising event management software, we found Eventify to be the best of all times. It's not just the comprehensive features of the software, but the pricing, flexibility, and convenience that make it the best choice. It offers you an easy-to-use dashboard with a variety of event options you can select from. For your non-profit event of any nature, the software lets you practice quick and sleek management. From planning to booking, marketing, sales, and analytics, this one platform gives you everything at a glance. Eventify focuses on a diverse range of industries, including but not limited to corporate events, conferences, trade shows, and nonprofit gatherings.


According to G2 and Capterra ratings of 4.5 and 4.2, respectively, the software provides the best results with a variety of customization features.

Features of Eventify

Smart Management Tools

The software contains all the essential features that are necessary for event management, from donor records to invitations, venue to vendor booking, registration to tickets, and marketing. The platform offers you everything in one place.

Real-time Collaborations

On a platform, you can add all the participants, stakeholders, vendors, and operators. It lets you have everyone on the same page and collaborate in real-time to process everything faster.

Marketing & Promotion

Eventify helps you promote the event online and offline. You can plan and execute campaigns and spread messages using multiple integrations and tools that help in getting more funds and donations.

Cost Efficient for Registration & Ticketing

The best feature that makes Eventify an ultimate option is the cost-efficient registration and ticketing format. The platform does not charge you a commission percentage that increases with the increased number of tickets.


Eventify provides end-to-end event management solutions.

The software features an intuitive and user-friendly interface

Eventify offers a high level of customization

The software integrates seamlessly with various third-party tools

Provides in-depth analytics and reporting features


Users might experience a learning curve when adding advanced features


GiveSmart is your fundraising ally, designed to elevate non-profit events. With mobile bidding, event websites, and efficient donor management, GiveSmart puts the power of successful fundraising in your hands. The user-friendly interface ensures that even the most complex events are managed with ease, making it a go-to choice for savvy non-profit event managers. The platform is suitable for use in a range of industries, including education, healthcare, and charity, providing a user-friendly interface that makes sure to provide smooth navigation.


According to G2 and Capterra ratings of 4.3 and 4.2, respectively, GiveSmart is considered an all-in-one solution for organizations and nonprofits.

Key Features

Smooth Fundraising

GiveSmart simplifies fundraising efforts with its intuitive tools, allowing organizations to conduct seamless auctions, collect donations, and manage contributors efficiently.

Event Customization

The platform offers a high level of event customization, allowing users to meet the experience according to their specific needs and branding, creating a unique and memorable event.

Real-time Analytics

GiveSmart provides robust real-time analytics, offering valuable insights into fundraising progress, bidder engagement, and overall event performance, empowering organizations to make data-driven decisions.

Mobile Bidding

With a focus on accessibility, GiveSmart enables mobile bidding, allowing participants to engage and contribute from anywhere, enhancing the reach and impact of fundraising efforts.


GiveSmart provides the best suite of fundraising and event management tools.

The platform's user-friendly interface ensures ease of navigation for both organizers and participants.

Real-time analytics empower organizations with valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

Mobile bidding enhances accessibility, enabling a broader audience to participate.


Users may require some time to understand advanced features.

Pricing structures may vary.


Eventbrite is the go-to platform for event planning and ticketing, ensuring that non-profits reach wider audiences. Seamlessly create, promote, and sell tickets for events of all sizes. Eventbrite's ease of use and robust ticketing solutions make it a favorite among non-profit event managers looking for a hassle-free experience. Eventbrite is a top choice for organizing events of any scale. It has a simple dashboard that provides a range of event options and simplifies the management process for various occasions. Whether you're planning a corporate event, conference, trade show, or nonprofit gathering, Eventbrite can meet the requirements of a range of industries.


With a G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, it consistently delivers exceptional results with its customizable features.


Great Management Tools

Eventbrite encompasses all essential features required for seamless event management. From managing donor records to sending invitations and booking venues and vendors—the platform consolidates all aspects in one accessible location.

Real-time Collaborations

The platform facilitates real-time collaboration by allowing participants, stakeholders, vendors, and operators to join the same digital space. This feature enhances efficiency by promoting instant collaboration and streamlined processing.

Marketing & Promotion

Eventbrite excels in event promotion, both online and offline. Users can plan and execute campaigns and pass messages through various integrations. They can use these tools to maximize funds and donations for their events.

Cost-Efficient Registration & Ticketing

One standout feature of Eventbrite lies in its cost-efficient registration and ticketing format. Unlike platforms that charge a commission percentage based on the number of tickets, Eventbrite opts for an upfront price per ticket that remains constant.


Provide End-to-End event management solutions

It has an intuitive and user-friendly interface

Provides a high degree of customization

Platform seamlessly integrates with various third-party tools

Provides robust analytics and reporting features


Potential higher pricing structure

Eventbrite competitors and alternatives.


Doubleknot simplifies non-profit event management with its comprehensive solutions. Whether it's ticketing, registration, or membership management, Doubleknot offers a user-friendly interface for efficient planning. Non-profit event managers can enjoy flexibility and ease in managing events of any scale, making Doubleknot a trusted choice. Doubleknot stands out as an exceptional platform for event planning and management. The dashboard offers a seamless experience. It provides a wide array of event options suitable for various occasions. Whether organizing corporate events, conferences, trade shows, or nonprofit gatherings, Doubleknot proves versatile across different industries.


With a G2 rating of 4.4 and a Capterra rating of 4.1, Doubleknot delivers efficient and reliable results, which makes it a trusted choice for event professionals.


Best Management Tools

Doubleknot provides an extensive set of tools for managing all aspects of events, from participant registration to ticketing, donor management, and beyond.

Provide Real-time Collaboration:

The platform facilitates real-time collaboration among participants, stakeholders, vendors, and operators, ensuring seamless communication and efficient coordination.

Marketing & Promotion

Doubleknot excels in event promotion. It provides robust tools for planning and executing marketing campaigns both online and offline.

Cost-Efficient Registration & Ticketing:

With a focus on cost efficiency, Doubleknot offers transparent pricing for registration and ticketing. The tool avoids the commission-based fees that increase with ticket numbers.


The tools cover all stages of event planning and execution.

It has an intuitive and user-friendly interface

Provide easy customization options for specific requirements.

It can easily integrate with various third-party tools

Show robust analytics and reporting features

provide valuable insights for event evaluation and improvement.


Users might find it a bit troubling when adding more features

Pricing is higher than expected


NeonCRM stands out as a donor management powerhouse with added event management features. It seamlessly combines tracking donors and event registration, offering non-profit event managers a comprehensive solution. With customization options and efficient donor management tools, NeonCRM is the multitasking hero in your non-profit toolkit. NeonCRM boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making event planning an effortless experience. Non-profit event organizers can thrive on the adaptability and simplicity offered by NeonCRM, positioning it as the ultimate choice.


With an outstanding G2 rating of 4.5 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, NeonCRM consistently delivers results, earning unwavering trust among event professionals.


Interactive Virtual Event Spaces

In addition to physical events, NeonCRM introduces virtual event spaces with interactive features, creating immersive online experiences for attendees.

Integrated Volunteer Management

Beyond participant engagement, NeonCRM excels in volunteer management, streamlining recruitment, scheduling, and coordination to enhance event support.

Innovative Fundraising Campaigns

NeonCRM goes beyond traditional methods, offering tools for innovative and effective fundraising campaigns and maximizing donor engagement and contribution.

Smart Event Recommendations

The tool uses machine learning technology, which suggests personalized event recommendations for participants and gives them the best experience.


Best coverage across all stages of event planning and execution.

An intuitive and user-friendly interface facilitates seamless navigation.

Highly customizable features to meet specific event requirements.

Seamless integration with various third-party tools, enhancing overall functionality.

Robust analytics and reporting features offer valuable insights for continuous event improvement.


Users may find a slight learning curve when exploring advanced features.

Pricing may be perceived as relatively higher for smaller organizations.


Kindful combines donor management and event capabilities, creating a seamless experience for non-profit event managers. Its intuitive interface and efficient donor tracking make it a standout choice. Non-profit event managers can enjoy hassle-free coordination, giving them more time to focus on creating impactful events. The platform excels as a transformative tool for event planning and management, featuring a dashboard that guarantees a flawless experience. Kindful manages a range of events, including corporate functions, conferences, trade shows, or nonprofit gatherings, showcasing its versatility across industries.


With a stellar G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, Kindful consistently delivers outstanding results, gaining the trust of event professionals.


Worldwide Donor View

Kindful provides a holistic view of donors, combining event data with comprehensive donor profiles to enhance engagement and relationships.

Mobile-Optimized Attendee Experience

Kindful prioritizes mobile optimization. The tool makes sure that attendees can seamlessly navigate and engage with events from their smartphones or tablets.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Beyond standard reporting, Kindful offers advanced analytics tools. It allows organizers to derive deeper insights into attendee behavior and event performance.

Integrated Communication Hub

Kindful serves as a centralized communication hub. It helps in providing real-time collaboration among organizers, volunteers, and participants for efficient coordination.


User-friendly interface for seamless navigation.

All rounded 360-degree donor profiles enhance engagement.

Mobile optimization ensures a smooth experience on smartphones.

Acts as a centralized communication hub for efficient collaboration.

Advanced reporting and analytics provide deeper insights into event performance.


Users might face integration complexity issue

There are limited customization options

Little Green Light

Little Green Light is your non-profit event assistant, excelling in donor management and fundraising. With added event management features, it ensures that your events run smoothly. Little Green Light's simplicity and comprehensive donor management tools make it a reliable choice for non-profit event managers seeking an all-in-one solution.


With an impressive G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.5, LGL consistently delivers reliable results for donor-centric organizations.

Key Features

Donor Tracking

LGL provides a robust donor tracking system, allowing organizations to manage donor information, contributions, and interactions with ease.

Communication Tools

The platform offers effective communication tools, including email campaigns and personalized messaging, fostering stronger connections with donors.

Customizable Reporting

LGL's customizable reporting features empower organizations to generate reports, gaining insights into donor behavior and campaign effectiveness.

Integration Capabilities

LGL seamlessly integrates with various third-party tools, enhancing overall functionality and ensuring a smooth workflow for organizations.


User-friendly interface for efficient donor management.

A smooth donor tracking system simplifies data management.

Effective communication tools strengthen donor relationships.

Customizable reporting provides valuable insights for strategic planning.

Seamless integration capabilities enhance overall functionality.


The learning curve for users with advanced donor management systems.

Pricing may be higher than other tools


Bizzabo redefines event management for nonprofits, offering features like registration and networking. Its intuitive platform puts attendee engagement at the forefront, ensuring that non-profit event managers can create memorable experiences. With Bizzabo, non-profit events become not just gatherings but unforgettable moments. With its user-friendly interface and cutting-edge tools, Bizzabo has become a trusted solution for businesses and organizations hosting events of all sizes.


With an impressive G2 rating of 4.8 and a Capterra rating of 4.6, Bizzabo consistently earns acclaim for its excellence in event management.

Key Features

AI-Powered Networking

Bizzabo introduces AI-powered networking, facilitating personalized connections among event attendees based on interests, industry, and networking goals.

Immersive Virtual Outlook

Bizzabo offers immersive virtual experiences with interactive features, providing a seamless online event platform for global audiences.

Real-time Engagement Analytics

Bizzabo excels in providing real-time analytics on attendee engagement. The tool allows organizers to make data-driven decisions during events and for future planning.

Integrated Sponsorship Management

Bizzabo streamlines sponsorship management, offering tools for easy collaboration between organizers and sponsors, maximizing the impact of sponsorships.


Intuitive interface for seamless event planning and management.

AI-powered networking enhances attendee connections and engagement.

Immersive virtual experiences that meet the global users' needs.

Real-time analytics empower organizers with actionable insights.

Streamlined sponsorship management maximizes sponsorship impact.


The pricing structure may be as higher for smaller-scale events.

Users might face trouble while adding features.


DonorPerfect emerges as a donor management star, seamlessly incorporating event management features. Its pricing based on organization size makes it accessible. Non-profit event managers appreciate the detailed donor tracking and reporting capabilities, making their fundraising efforts more targeted and effective. DonorPerfect has become the best and topmost solution for organizations that always need effective fundraising.


With a notable G2 rating of 4.5 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, DonorPerfect consistently stands out as a reliable choice in the realm of donor management.

Key Features

Easy Online Donations

DonorPerfect simplifies the online donation process, making it easy for supporters to contribute effortlessly through various channels.

Simplified Reporting

The platform provides simple reporting tools, allowing organizations to generate quick and easy-to-understand reports on donor contributions and campaign success.

Donor Communication Hub

DonorPerfect acts as a central hub for donor communication, facilitating seamless interaction through personalized messages, emails, and updates.

Mobile-Friendly Interface

With a mobile-friendly design, DonorPerfect ensures accessibility on the go. It allows users to manage donors and campaigns conveniently from their smartphones.


Simple and intuitive interface for easy donor management.

Streamlined online donation process for supporter convenience.

Easy-to-use reporting tools for quick insights into campaign success.

A centralized hub for donor communication, fostering stronger relationships.

Mobile-friendly design enhances accessibility for on-the-go management.


Limited advanced features for complex needs.

Some users may find the pricing slightly higher


Qgiv takes non-profit fundraising to the next level with its robust platform. Beyond event management, it offers intuitive fundraising tools, making it a powerhouse for non-profit event managers. The user-friendly interface and effective fundraising features ensure that your events leave a lasting impact.


Qgiv stands out as a top-tier fundraising platform, earning success with its user-friendly design and a strong reputation reflected in a G2 rating of 4.8 and a Capterra rating of 4.6.

Key Features of Qgiv

Customizable Donation Forms

Qgiv offers customizable donation forms, empowering organizations to tailor fundraising pages according to their brand and campaign themes.

Text-to-Give Functionality

With text-to-give functionality, Qgiv simplifies contributions by allowing donors to contribute conveniently through text messages, expanding the reach of fundraising efforts.

Recurring Donation Options

Qgiv provides recurring donation options, enabling supporters to set up automatic, regular contributions. It ensures a steady and predictable stream of support.

Comprehensive Reporting Dashboard

Qgiv's reporting dashboard offers easy-to-understand visual insights into donation trends and campaign performance, helping organizations in making informed decisions.


Simple and intuitive interface for easy donor management.

Customizable donation forms for flexible fundraising strategies.

Text-to-give functionality expands accessibility for contributors.

Recurring donation options provide steady and reliable support.

A comprehensive reporting dashboard offers quick insights into campaign success.


Some users may find the platform lacking advanced features.

Those smaller organizations with limited budgets couldn't afford it.


Blackbaud offers a comprehensive suite for non-profits, seamlessly integrating event management. Known for its robust features and fundraising tools, Blackbaud caters to non-profit event managers seeking an all-encompassing solution for efficient event planning and fundraising.


With an impressive G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, Blackbaud consistently proves its worth as a dependable choice in the nonprofit sector.

Key Features

Best Constituent Management

Blackbaud excels in comprehensive constituent management, providing tools to manage relationships, memberships, and engagements effectively.

Integrated Fundraising Solutions

The platform offers integrated fundraising solutions, streamlining the process from donor acquisition to engagement and ensuring a cohesive fundraising strategy.

Advocacy and Campaign Management

Blackbaud supports advocacy efforts and campaign management, empowering organizations to drive social change and track the impact of their initiatives.

Powerful Analytics and Reporting

With powerful analytics and reporting tools, Blackbaud enables organizations to derive actionable insights from data, fostering informed decision-making.


Useful interface for efficient constituent and donor management.

Integrated fundraising solutions for a cohesive and streamlined strategy.

Advocacy and campaign management tools for driving social impact.

Powerful analytics and reporting for informed decision-making.


It can cause delays in realizing the full benefits.

Smaller nonprofits may find the system's extensive features tough.

Salsa Engage

Salsa Engage is more than a supporter engagement platform; it's a dynamic tool for non-profit event managers. From event planning to donor engagement, Salsa Engage empowers managers with powerful supporter engagement tools and efficient event planning capabilities. Salsa Engage, a dynamic platform in the nonprofit sector, stands out as an effective solution for organizations aiming to elevate their engagement strategies.


With a commendable G2 rating of 4.4 and a Capterra rating of 4.2, Salsa Engage consistently proves its efficiency in fostering meaningful connections with supporters.

Key Features

Multichannel Communication Tools

Salsa Engage offers versatile communication tools, enabling organizations to engage supporters through various channels, including email, social media, and mobile.

Integrated Fundraising Campaigns

The platform provides seamless integration for fundraising campaigns, ensuring a unified approach to donor engagement and contribution tracking.

Event Planning and Management

Salsa Engage excels in event planning and management, offering tools for seamless coordination, registration, and communication with event participants.

Comprehensive Constituent Profiles

With the best constituent profiles, Salsa Engage enables organizations to understand their supporters better, tailoring engagement strategies to individual preferences.


Intuitive interface for efficient supporter and donor engagement.

Multichannel communication tools for versatile outreach.

Integrated fundraising campaigns for a cohesive strategy.

Event planning and management tools for seamless coordination.

Professional constituent profiles for personalized engagement.


You might face several potential integration issues.


Charityproud stands out as a cloud-based donor management solution with a strong focus on event management. Its customizable features make it a preferred choice for non-profit event managers, ensuring a seamless integration of donor management and event planning. Charityproud, a robust platform in the nonprofit sector, emerges as a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking effective and streamlined management of their charitable initiatives.


With a commendable G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, Charityproud consistently demonstrates its efficiency in facilitating efficient operations for charitable organizations.

Key Features

Donor Management

Charityproud excels in donor management, providing tools for tracking and maintaining detailed donor profiles and enabling personalized engagement strategies.

Automated Giving Campaigns

The platform offers automated giving campaign features, streamlining the process of creating, launching, and managing campaigns to boost donor participation.

Grant Management

Charityproud supports comprehensive grant management, simplifying the application process, tracking grant progress, and ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.

Financial Tracking and Reporting

With robust financial tracking and reporting tools, Charityproud enables organizations to maintain transparency and generate insightful reports for stakeholders.


The intuitive interface simplifies donor and campaign management.

Automated giving campaign features streamline fundraising efforts.

Grant management tools simplify application and reporting processes.

The fastest financial tracking and reporting enhance transparency.


The learning curve for new users navigating its features.

Integration complexity with certain third-party tools.


Auctria is the go-to solution for auction fundraising events. With features like online bidding and efficient auction management, it transforms fundraising events into engaging experiences. Non-profit event managers benefit from its user-friendly design and effective auction tools. Auctria, a powerful auction management platform, has earned acclaim with its efficient features and ease of use.


With a commendable G2 rating of 4.7 and a Capterra rating of 4.5, Auctria consistently proves its worth for organizations orchestrating successful auctions.

Key Features

Mobile Bidding

Auctria excels in mobile bidding, providing a convenient and accessible way for participants to engage in auctions from their smartphones.

Item Catalog Management

The platform offers robust item catalog management, simplifying the process of adding, organizing, and presenting auction items effectively.

Integrated Payment Processing

Auctria streamlines payment processing, providing integrated solutions that facilitate secure and efficient transactions during and after auctions.

Real-Time Analytics

With real-time analytics, Auctria empowers organizers with instant insights into bidding trends, which allows us to make strategic decision-making during the auction event.


A great interface ensures easy navigation for organizers and participants.

Mobile bidding enhances accessibility, allowing participants to engage from anywhere.

Efficient item catalog management simplifies the organization of auction items.

Integrated payment processing streamlines secure transactions for participants.

Real-time analytics provide instant insights for informed decision-making.


Limited customization options for certain advanced features.

The pricing structure may be perceived as relatively higher for smaller events.

Integration complexities with specific third-party tools.


DonorSnap is not just about donor management; it's about streamlined event management, too. With a focus on simplicity and comprehensive donor tracking, DonorSnap ensures that non-profit event managers can efficiently manage both donors and events. DonorSnap is a leading comprehensive donor management system. It has garnered attention for its robust features and user-friendly interface.


With a notable G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, DonorSnap consistently stands out as an effective solution for nonprofit organizations.

Key Features

Customizable Donor Profiles

DonorSnap provides customizable donor profiles, allowing organizations to respond according to donor information based on specific needs and preferences.

Automated Acknowledgment

The platform streamlines the acknowledgment process with automated features, ensuring timely and personalized expressions of gratitude to donors.

Event Registration and Tracking

DonorSnap excels in event registration and tracking, facilitating seamless coordination and data management for organizational events.

Email Campaign Management

With robust email campaign tools, DonorSnap enables organizations to plan, execute, and track the effectiveness of email campaigns for donor engagement.


A User-friendly interface ensures easy navigation for users of varying technical expertise.

Customizable donor profiles allow for tailored information management based on organizational needs.

Automated acknowledgment features streamline the expression of gratitude to donors.

Efficient event registration and tracking tools enhance coordination for organizational events.

Robust email campaign management tools facilitate effective communication and engagement.


Limited integration capabilities with certain third-party tools.

Advanced reporting features may require additional training.

Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is a versatile solution for non-profit event managers, combining membership and event management. With its user-friendly interface and seamless event registration, Wild Apricot ensures that non-profits can effortlessly organize events of any scale. Wild Apricot, a versatile membership management platform, has gained recognition for its extensive features and user-friendly design.


With an impressive G2 rating of 4.4 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, Wild Apricot consistently proves its effectiveness for organizations seeking robust membership solutions.

Key Features

Membership Directory

Wild Apricot offers a comprehensive membership directory, providing organizations with tools to manage and showcase their member base effectively.

Event Registration

The platform excels in event registration, offering seamless tools for organizing, promoting, and tracking events, enhancing overall event management.

Integrated Email Marketing

With integrated email marketing features, Wild Apricot enables organizations to plan and execute targeted email campaigns for member engagement.

Financial Management

Wild Apricot includes financial management tools, streamlining payment processing, invoicing, and tracking for efficient financial operations.


Intuitive interface for easy navigation, catering to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

An all-rounded membership directory enhances member management and visibility.

Best event registration software for nonprofits simplify the planning and execution of organizational events.

Integrated email marketing features facilitate targeted communication and engagement with members.

Financial management tools streamline payment processing and financial tracking.


Limited customization options for certain advanced features.

Pricing may be perceived as relatively higher for smaller organizations.

Integration complexities with specific third-party tools.


GalaBid takes fundraising events to new heights, specializing in mobile bidding and donation tracking. Non-profit event managers appreciate its user-friendly interface and efficient fundraising tools, making GalaBid a reliable choice for engaging and successful events. GalaBid is a leading auction and event management platform. It has garnered attention for its innovative features and seamless user experience.


With a remarkable G2 rating of 4.7 and a Capterra rating of 4.5, GalaBid consistently stands out as a reliable solution for organizations hosting successful auctions and events.

Key Features

Mobile Bidding

GalaBid excels in mobile bidding, providing a user-friendly platform for participants to engage and bid in real-time through their smartphones.

Customizable Auction Pages

The platform offers customizable auction pages, allowing organizations to check the look and feel of their auctions to match their brand and theme.

Automated Payment Processing

With automated payment processing, GalaBid streamlines financial transactions, ensuring secure and efficient handling of payments during and after events.

Real-time Reporting

GalaBid provides real-time reporting, offering organizers instant insights into bidding trends and overall event performance for informed decision-making.


Intuitive mobile bidding enhances participant engagement and accessibility.

Customizable auction pages provide flexibility in branding and theming.

Automated payment processing streamlines secure financial transactions.

Real-time reporting offers instant insights for strategic decision-making.

Dedicated customer support ensures prompt assistance for organizers.


You might find limited features for large orders.

The pricing structure may be perceived as relatively higher for smaller events.

Customization capabilities for certain advanced features may be limited.


Classy is not just a fundraising platform; it's an event management powerhouse. With a modern interface design and effective fundraising tools, Classy stands out as the go-to choice for non-profit event managers aiming to create impactful and memorable events. Classy is a useful fundraising and donor management platform. It has gained enough success because of its innovative features and user-friendly design.


With an impressive G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, Classy consistently stands out as a trusted solution for organizations aiming to elevate their fundraising efforts.

Key Features

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Classy excels in peer-to-peer fundraising, providing organizations with tools to mobilize supporters and expand their donor base through personalized campaigns.

Event Management

The platform offers comprehensive event management features, streamlining the planning, promotion, and execution of events, both online and offline.

Donor Segmentation

With advanced donor segmentation tools, Classy enables organizations to create targeted campaigns based on donor preferences, behaviors, and engagement history.

Integrated Payment Processing

Classy includes integrated payment processing, ensuring secure and efficient transactions for donors, with support for various payment methods.


An intuitive and user-friendly interface facilitates easy navigation for users.

Peer-to-peer fundraising tools empower supporters to amplify the reach of campaigns.

Have a list of event management features to streamline planning and execution.

Advanced donor segmentation allows for personalized and targeted outreach.

Integrated payment processing ensures secure and efficient financial transactions.

Robust customer support provides prompt assistance for organizations.


Integration complexities with specific third-party tools.

Advanced reporting features may require additional training for optimal utilization.


MobileCause is a comprehensive fundraising platform with a focus on event management. It's mobile-friendly design and efficient fundraising tools make it a top pick for non-profit event managers looking to engage donors and organize successful events. MobileCause is a dynamic fundraising and communication platform. The tool has gained recognition for its diverse features and commitment to empowering nonprofits.


With a noteworthy G2 rating of 4.5 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, MobileCause stands as a versatile solution for organizations seeking effective donor engagement.

Key Features

Text-to-Give Campaigns:

MobileCause excels in text-to-give campaigns, providing a simple and efficient way for donors to contribute via text messages.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising:

The platform offers robust peer-to-peer fundraising tools, allowing organizations to have the support of their community for amplified fundraising efforts.

Multichannel Communication:

With multichannel communication features, MobileCause enables nonprofits to engage supporters through various platforms, fostering stronger connections.

Event Fundraising:

MobileCause supports seamless event fundraising, providing tools for organizations to plan, promote, and manage events effectively.


An intuitive and user-friendly interface enhances the overall user experience.

Text-to-give campaigns offer a convenient and accessible donation method.

Peer-to-peer fundraising tools empower supporters to become active advocates.

Multichannel communication features provide versatile outreach options.

Event fundraising tools streamline the planning and execution of events.

Dedicated customer support ensures prompt assistance for organizations.


The learning curve for users new to fundraising and communication platforms.

Advanced reporting features may require additional training for optimal use.


Regpack specializes in registration and event management solutions. Its customizable registration forms and efficient attendee management make it a preferred choice for non-profit event managers aiming for smooth and tailored event experiences. Regpack is a robust registration and payment processing platform. The tool has earned recognition for its efficient features and customizable solutions.


With a commendable G2 rating of 4.7 and a Capterra rating of 4.6, Regpack stands out as a reliable choice for organizations managing diverse registration needs.

Key Features

Customizable Forms

Regpack excels in customizable forms, allowing organizations to provide registration forms to meet specific requirements and branding.

Automated Communication

The platform offers automated communication tools. It provides seamless interactions with registrants through personalized messages and updates.

Integrated Payment Processing

Regpack streamlines payment processing, providing secure and efficient transactions for both organizations and registrants.

Conditional Logic

With advanced conditional logic, Regpack enables dynamic and personalized registration experiences based on individual responses and criteria.


An intuitive and user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation for both administrators and registrants.

Customizable forms provide flexibility to meet diverse registration needs.

Automated communication tools streamline engagement and updates.

Integrated payment processing ensures secure and efficient financial transactions.

Advanced conditional logic enhances the personalization of registration processes.

Dedicated customer support offers prompt assistance for organizations.


Potential for performance lag during peak usage times.

Limited options for offline registration and payment processing.


OneCause is the fundraising expert, particularly for events. With features like mobile bidding, it transforms fundraising events into engaging experiences. Non-profit event managers benefit from its effective fundraising tools and user-friendly interface. OneCause is one of the basic fundraising platforms. It has achieved higher scores for its innovative features and commitment to empowering nonprofits.


With a noteworthy G2 rating of 4.5 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, OneCause stands as a reliable solution for organizations looking to elevate their fundraising strategies.

Key Features

Mobile Bidding

OneCause excels in mobile bidding, providing a user-friendly platform for participants to engage and bid in real time during events.

Event Management

The platform offers comprehensive event management features, streamlining the planning, promotion, and execution of both virtual and in-person events.

Donor Engagement Tools

OneCause provides robust donor engagement tools, facilitating personalized communication and connection with supporters.

Integrated Payment Processing

With integrated payment processing, OneCause ensures secure and efficient financial transactions for donors and organizations.


Mobile bidding features provide a convenient and engaging experience during events.

Useful event management tools simplify planning and execution processes.

Robust donor engagement tools foster personalized communication and connection.

Integrated payment processing ensures secure and efficient financial transactions.

Dedicated customer support offers prompt assistance for organizations.


Potential for occasional performance lags during peak event times.

Limited offline capabilities for certain fundraising activities.


RallyUp excels as a fundraising platform with robust event management features. Its user-friendly interface and efficient fundraising tools make it a trusted choice for non-profit event managers seeking to create impactful events. RallyUp, a versatile fundraising platform, has gained recognition for its diverse features and commitment to providing effective fundraising solutions.


With a commendable G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, RallyUp stands out as a reliable choice for organizations looking to enhance their fundraising efforts.

Key Features of RallyUp

Virtual Events

RallyUp excels in virtual event capabilities, offering tools for planning, promoting, and executing engaging online fundraising events.

Social Media Integration

The platform provides seamless integration with social media platforms, enabling organizations to extend their reach and leverage social networks for fundraising campaigns.

Team Fundraising

RallyUp supports team fundraising efforts. It allows and helps supporters to create and join teams, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Customizable Fundraising Pages

With customizable fundraising pages, RallyUp allows organizations to create visually appealing and branded pages for their campaigns.


Professional virtual event capabilities enhance the organization of engaging online fundraising events.

Social media integration facilitates broader reach and increased visibility for campaigns.

Team fundraising features promote community building and collaborative efforts.

Customizable fundraising pages allow for a personalized and branded campaign experience.

Dedicated customer support offers prompt assistance for organizations.


Potential for occasional performance lags during peak campaign times.

Customization options for certain advanced features may be limited.

Auction Frogs

Auction Frogs specializes in auction fundraising events with features like online bidding. Known for its user-friendly interface and effective auction management tools, Auction Frogs ensures that fundraising events are not just successful but engaging. Auction Frogs is a functional fundraising platform. It is known for providing a range of features designed to enhance the auction and fundraising experience.


With a notable G2 rating of 4.5 and a Capterra rating of 4.3, Auction Frogs is a trusted solution for organizations seeking efficient and engaging fundraising solutions.

Key Features

Live Auction Streaming

Auction Frogs excels in live auction streaming, providing a seamless and interactive experience for virtual and hybrid fundraising events.

Integrated Ticketing

The platform offers integrated ticeting solutions, streamlining the process of managing event attendance and registrations.

Donor Relationship Management

With robust donor relationship management tools, Auction Frogs enables organizations to build and nurture relationships with supporters effectively.

Productive Fundraising Thermometers

The platform provides customizable fundraising thermometers, adding a visual element to campaigns and events to motivate and engage participants.


Live auction streaming enhances the virtual and hybrid fundraising event experience.

Integrated ticketing solutions simplify event attendance and registration management.

Donor relationship management tools foster effective communication and engagement.

Functional fundraising thermometers provide a visual incentive for participants.

On-time customer support offers prompt assistance for organizations.


You might find out it is a bit more pricey than other options.

Potential for occasional performance lags during peak event times.

Customization options for certain advanced features may be limited.

Offline fundraising options may not be as extensive as some other platforms.


Giveffect is an all-in-one non-profit management platform with strong event management capabilities. Its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface make it a preferred choice for non-profit event managers aiming for efficiency and impact. The non-orifice platform gains enough attention for its diverse features and commitment to supporting various aspects of nonprofit operations.


With a notable G2 rating of 4.5 and a Capterra rating of 4.4, Giveffect stands out as a reliable solution for organizations who are seeking a one-stop solution.

Key Features

Volunteer Management

Giveffect excels in volunteer management, providing tools for efficient recruitment, scheduling, and coordination to support organizational events and campaigns.

Grant Management

The platform supports great fast management, simplifying the application process, tracking grant progress, and ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.

Marketing Automation

With marketing automation features, Giveffect enables organizations to plan and execute targeted marketing campaigns for enhanced outreach and engagement.

Impact Reporting

Giveffect provides robust impact reporting tools. It allows organizations to showcase the outcomes of their initiatives and demonstrate the real-world impact of donor contributions.


Provide easy navigation for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Volunteer management tools enhance recruitment, scheduling, and coordination for events.

Marketing automation features facilitate the planning and execution of targeted campaigns.

Impact reporting tools allow organizations to show the outcomes of their initiatives.

Dedicated customer support provides prompt assistance for organizations.


Integration complexities with specific third-party tools.

Advanced reporting features may require more training.

Limited Customization options for certain features.

Tessitura Network

Tessitura Network provides an integrated CRM system with event management features tailored for arts and cultural organizations. With its comprehensive CRM and event management capabilities, Tessitura Network stands out as the choice for non-profit event managers seeking a specialized solution. Tessitura Network is a leading arts and cultural management platform. It is known for its comprehensive features tailored to the unique needs of cultural institutions.


With a distinguished G2 rating of 4.6 and a Capterra rating of 4.5, Tessitura Network is a trusted solution for organizations in the arts and cultural sector.

Key Features

Membership Management

Tessitura Network excels in membership management, providing tools for organizations to cultivate and engage their member base effectively.

Ticketing and Sales

The platform offers robust ticketing and sales features, facilitating seamless online and onsite ticket transactions for events and performances.

Audience Segmentation

With advanced audience segmentation tools, Tessitura Network allows organizations to create targeted campaigns based on attendee preferences, behaviors, and engagement history.

Educational Program Support

Tessitura Network supports educational programs, providing features for managing classes, workshops, and other educational initiatives.


Membership management tools enhance the engagement of member bases.

Valuable ticketing and sales features facilitate efficient online and onsite transactions.

Advanced audience segmentation allows for targeted campaigns based on attendee preferences.

Support for educational programs meet the diverse needs of cultural institutions.

Dedicated customer support offers specialized assistance for arts and cultural organizations.


Limited integration capabilities when it comes to large projects.

Pricing may be higher for smaller organizations.

You can't find the customization option.

Offline functionality may not be as extensive as some other platforms.

Wrap Up!

There is no doubt that technology is making things easier for us. The event management software for non-profits is making a huge difference in managing and organizing fundraising events. However, to make the most out of your software selection, it's essential to pick the right one. The best event software for non-profits is the one that is easy to use, cost-efficient, offers multiple integrations and makes your management process smooth.

You should select software that offers flexible pricing on registration and ticketing so your fundraising event will result in good fund collection. In this perspective, Eventify is one of the suitable software for non-profit event management that helps you manage the whole event, from planning to execution, smartly. Plus, it does not overcharge the registration and ticketing but costs you an upfront price. Getting the best software with appropriate features helps you make a difference in your event's success. Adopt the right software and explore new horizons of fundraising.

About the Author
Hussain Fakhruddin, tech visionary and founder of an award-winning multinational firm. With 15+ years' experience, Hussain leads a team that's crafted 1500+ top-ranking web, API, and mobile apps, earning acclaim from Adobe and GMASA. Specializing in scalable backends, ensures client apps stand out with an 80% top-ranking success rate.

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