‍Level Up Your Event Experience with Our New Interactive Session Features!

July 5, 2024

We're thrilled to announce a game-changing update to our app, designed to elevate your event experience and maximize your engagement with every session. Get ready to dive deeper, connect with fellow attendees, and personalize your schedule with these exciting new features:

Enhanced Session Interaction:

This feature is there in the session details page itself. If this feature is enabled, attendees can join the session discussions. But if the admin disables this feature, then it will not be allowed. 

You can edit or delete each and every session. Access also can also be edited for a session. 

  • The "Session Discussion" feature allows you to actively participate in discussions specific to each session, directly from the session details page. You can make conversations with others regarding the session and share your thoughts here. 
  • Engage with speakers and test your knowledge in real-time. Rating, live Q&A, and poll features now dynamically adapt to each session, with an easy-to-use approval/rejection system for organizers.

This live Q & A section allows you to make queries and get answers related to the session. 

  • Gather even more insightful data with our upgraded polls. Create polls with up to 10 options, allowing for more nuanced feedback and audience participation.

Streamlined Navigation and Organization:

  • Sort it Your Way: Find the sessions that matter most to you! We've added two new session sorting options: "Tracks" and "Time." These sorting options work seamlessly with our existing "Session Filters," allowing you to effortlessly pinpoint the sessions that align with your interests and schedule.
  • Topic Tags: Dive deeper into relevant content with our new "Session Tags." These tags categorize sessions by topic, making it easy to discover sessions relevant to your specific goals.
  • Personalize Your Journey: Build your ideal event experience with "My Agenda." Add sessions to your personalized agenda and ensure you don't miss a beat.

After you add your favorite sessions, you can see them in the “My Agenda” section. Here you can save one or more sessions as per your choice and directly access them from here rather than searching for them. 

Enhanced Session Reminders and Sharing:

  • Never Miss a Moment: Set session reminders and save them directly to your calendar with the "Session Reminder" and "Save to Calendar" features. Stay on top of your schedule and ensure you catch all the sessions you've been looking forward to.
  • Connect Learning & Sponsors: Explore potential collaborations and partnerships! We've introduced "Session Links with Exhibitors/Sponsors." Look for these links to learn more about the companies or products sponsoring specific sessions. These sessions provide valuable opportunities to delve deeper into topics related to the session content.

Elevated Viewing Experience:

  • Picture in Picture Perfection: Multitasking just got easier! Our new "Picture in Picture" feature allows you to continue accessing the entire app while your session video plays side-by-side. Never miss a beat while staying connected with other features.

Bonus Features:

  • Visual Appeal: We've amplified visual engagement with the addition of "Session Images." Session details pages now include captivating session images, providing a richer and more informative experience.
  • Multi-RSVP: Streamline your RSVP process with our new "Schedule Multiple RSVP at the Same Time" setting. This feature was not allowed for users before but now you can RSVP for multiple sessions within the same timeframe, saving you valuable time and streamlining your event planning.

Get ready to explore, connect, and personalize your event experience like never before with these exciting new features at Eventify!  Let's dive deeper, together!

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