Level Up Your Exhibiting Game: A Bounty of New Features Await for You with Our Custom Exhibitor Experiences!

July 15, 2024

We're excited to unveil a treasure trove of innovative features at Eventify designed to transform the exhibitor experience on our platform. Get ready to supercharge your brand visibility, forge meaningful connections with potential customers, and ultimately, maximize your event ROI!

Laser-Focused Lead Generation:
  • Dynamic Exhibitor Filter:  Gone are the days of attendees getting lost in a labyrinth of booths. Our ingenious dynamic filter empowers them to find the exhibitors that matter most based on specific criteria, like industry, categories, etc. Also, multiple filters can be added likewise, dropdown, checkboxes and radio button and they would be visible to the user and they can sort it accordingly. 

Become a Digital Powerhouse:

  • Exhibitor Promo Videos:  Ditch static presentations and captivate attendees with captivating promo videos. Showcase your brand story, highlight your unique value proposition, and showcase your products in action. Let your videos do the talking and draw attendees to your booth with a dynamic first impression.
  • Exhibitor Product Showcase:  Say goodbye to bulky brochures and embrace a digital future! Upload detailed product information directly within the platform, including high-quality images and data sheets. This offers attendees a convenient and engaging way to explore your offerings at their own pace, fostering informed decision-making.

Spark Meaningful Connections:

  • Exhibitor Meetings: Facilitate one-on-one interactions that convert! Attendees can request and schedule meetings directly with you, ensuring focused conversations and maximized networking opportunities. This feature will nurture qualified leads, demonstrate your expertise, and quickly close deals.

Cultivate a Thriving Community:

  • Gallery Interaction: Turn the event into a vibrant online space! Share photos and videos of your booth and products directly on the platform. Browse what other exhibitors and attendees post, fostering community, keeping the buzz alive, and showcasing the event's energy.

Enhanced User Experience:

  • Express Yourself with Reactions & Emojis:  Add a touch of personality and fun to your interactions with attendees using reactions and emojis. Acknowledge their interest, celebrate connections, and create a more engaging environment.

Personalize Your Presence:

  • Dark Mode: Introducing dark mode ensures a comfortable experience for booth staff and attendees. Now, navigating the platform is easy on the eyes, regardless of the lighting conditions. Whether managing your exhibitor profile or interacting with leads, dark mode offers a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. You can turn on and off your night mode on the app or switch it to auto mode, depending on your preferences. 

These features will empower you to effectively showcase your brand, connect with qualified leads, and maximize your event participation. Get ready to transform your exhibiting experience and watch your event success soar!

See how Eventify can help you organize a successful event! 

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Registration & Ticketing

Sell tickets online & manage user registration
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Chat & Meetings

1-1 messagings and meeting to increase attendee engagement
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Event tracks & sessions as per date and time in one place
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All-in-one B2B matchmaking for your attendees
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Social Feed

Private social network feed for your event
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Community Forum

Forum or group messaging on predefined topics
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Poll & Live Q&A

Create interactive polls and QnA on live sessions
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Speaker Profile

Speaker’s detailed information for sessions
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Event News

A news section for event related news & announcements
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Event Guide

Create your own event help and support guidebook
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Event photos gallery by host or attendees
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Product Showcase

Comprehensive exhibitor and sponsor page
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Sponsored Ads

Built in ads to promote sponsors & exhibitors
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Lead Scanning

All in one scan and export leads/contacts
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Interactive Maps

Tappable interactive booth and floor maps
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Push Notification

Send instant push notifications to attendee app
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Custom Branding

Customize & design your very own branded event app within minutes
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Session Rating

Get session rating and feedback from attendees
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Build your own surveys to get feedback about the event
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Email Notifications

Send instant email notifications to your attendees
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Dynamic Form Builder

Drag & drop from builder for checkout form, survey & profile
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Event tracks & sessions as per date and time in one place
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Event Guide

Create your own event help and support guidebook
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Email Designer

Drag and Drop custom email template designer
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Analytics Dashboard

Get real-time insights on your event on multiple fronts
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Community Forum

Forum or group messaging on predefined topics
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Chat & Meetings

1-1 messagings and meeting to increase attendee engagement
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Registration & Ticketing

Sell tickets online & manage user registration